sobota, 10. november 2007

HCMC - prvi vtisi

Na prvem sprehodu po vecernem Saigonu se nama je mesto razkrilo kot totalno hekticno in polno zivljenja. Vietnamci so zelo druzabni ljudje, ki se ob vecerih zberejo ob stevilnih stojnicah s hrano, klepetajo na ulicah, v parkih se zabavajo z igranjem badmintona in neke vrste zogobrca, ali pa se preganjajo po mestu na skuterjih oz. motorjih. Prometni kaos je zaradi prenaseljenosti mesta in dejstva da so kolesa zamenjali s Hondami, nepredstavljivo hrupen, kot pesec pa si prakticno ze na seznamu ogrozenih zivih bitij. Prakticno te v prometu noben ne uposteva in se moras se na prehodu za pesce izogibati drvecim vozilom, vsi plocniki pa so zaparkirani ali polni stojnic. V zraku je stalno prisoten rahlo sladkast duh duriana pomesan z vonjem po smeteh in oblaki izpusnih plinov.

Kljub temu je prvi vtis dober, ljudje so prijazni in niti ne prevec vsiljivi, sporazumevamo se bolj z rokami, hrana je dobra le casa imava premalo da bi probala vse kar ponujajo.

HCMC - first impressions

The first evening in Saigon we saw the city as very lively and hectic. The Vietnamese are very social people, they meet each other at evenings for a fresh dinner at the local market food stalls, a game of badminton in the park, a small chat on the street or they cruise the city streets on their motorbikes. The traffic is dense and loud, because the city is overpopulated and the people had replaced once typical bicycles with Hondas. As a pedestrian you are really lucky to survive the walk around the city. Nobody cares about you crossing the street safely, so you have to watch out carefully for the rushing cars and motos also when you are crossing the street at the zebra crossing, the pavements are full of stalls or parked vehicles so you actually can't walk there. The air is heavy with the smells of the durian, garbage and the traffic mixed together.

Anyway, the first impressions are good, people are nice, frendly and not too intrusive. The hands are helpful in the conversation, the food is tasty, we just don't have enough time to try everything they're preparing.

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