Sprehajam se po starih mestnih ulicah in izza vogala diši po toplem kuhanem vinu. Mize so polne veselih obrazov in sprašujem se le o čem tečejo besede. O krizi, ki menda prihaja, o darilih, ki jih "morajo" še nakupiti ali vendarle o kakih lepih stvareh, o spominih in trenutkih, ki so jih preživeli skupaj.
Sara je žal pred kratkim zbolela, zato sva morala preklicati zimsko idilo v gozdarski koči na Pokljuki. Sva se pa zato lotila peke pravih domačih piškotov, zaradi česar je dva dni dišalo kot iz stare babičine kuhinje. In morda tako kot vesela družba ob Ljubljanici, sva tudi midva sedela za mizo in ob ustvarjanju svojih malih ter malo večjih hrustljavih mojstrovin res neobremenjeno uživala ta predbožični čas, obujala spomine na naju in na vse vas, ki ste z nama. Brez hitenja in brez norenja.
Mirne in ljubezni polne praznike vsem na naši ljubi Zemlji!
I walk the old city streets and I can smell the sweet flavour of the mulled wine all arround me. Tables are full of happy faces and I just wonder what are they talking about. About the crisis which is supposed to come, about the gifts they yet "have" to buy, or do they really enjoy their time with each other and try to bring back the memories of the time they've spent together.
Sara's got cold recently, so we had to cancel our fairy-tale winter in the forest cottage. We decided to make some holiday cookie baking instead, so all weekend was full of sweet smells of biscuits. And while we were sitting by the table making our delicious creations, we were enjoying this christmas time, talking and bringing back the memories of us and the people we've shared this year with. Without all the crazy hurrying ...
Peace and love to all the people on our planet Earth!
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Hvala za čestitko!!! Tud vama želim enako in upam, da se kmalu vidimo.
O blogu pa ne bom zgubljal besed, odličen je!
Robert Kruh