Takrat si po kosilu privoščiva krajši popoldanski počitek, da nadoknadiva prekratke noči.
Popoldanski pogled skozi okno na okoliške griče
Nap in the afternoon
Sometimes working days are too long and tiring, especially when you don't get enough sleep at night (we are still getting used to get up so early in the morning, at 5 am!!!). Therefore we are always looking forward to the days when we have free afternoons. We just need to come home, prepare ouerselves a good lunch and simply enjoy the rest of the day. At that times we often take a short nap to make up for those too short nights.
Sometimes working days are too long and tiring, especially when you don't get enough sleep at night (we are still getting used to get up so early in the morning, at 5 am!!!). Therefore we are always looking forward to the days when we have free afternoons. We just need to come home, prepare ouerselves a good lunch and simply enjoy the rest of the day. At that times we often take a short nap to make up for those too short nights.
Hmm, mogoče sm sam jst, ampak uživati v popoldnevu al pa ga prespat men ne gre glih skupi ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiDrugač pa, čimveč uživita v skupnih uricah in naj jih bo veliko.
P.S. Friday afternoons FTW :)
Pr nama popoldanski počitek nikoli ne traja več kot dobrih 20 minut. Če je daljši se zbudiva čist matasta...
OdgovoriIzbrišiTo je le kratka siesta, ki baje dela čudeže. Jaz tega še nisem prakticirala. Je pa res, da mora biti počitek kratek, če ne si čisto zalepljen.
OdgovoriIzbrišiv Argentini je to čisto običajno, ko prideš sem se kar nalezeš te navade in noben nima slabe vesti če se uleže po kosilu za kakšno urico ;) Včasih prav paše, ampak jaz to prakticiram samo kakšno soboto ali nedeljo, ko imam čas :)